Bird starts with D :Top 20 Discover the Avian Wonders

While the letter D may not be amongst the most common first letters for bird names, diverse and distinctive avian species have names that begin with D. From tiny dicaeid flowerpeckers to magnificent Dalmatian pelicans, these birds reveal some of nature’s endless creativity. Exploring D birds expands one’s ornithological appreciation and can lead to exciting new sightings. “bird starts with d'”

The Mourning Dove is a peaceful, graceful member of the pigeon family known for its cooing song. It is found widely across North America.

Mallard ducks are common dabbling ducks seen on waterways across North America. Males have the recognizable green head.

Dusky Grouse are plump, chicken-like grouse living in western mountain forests of North America.

Dalmatian Pelicans are huge aquatic birds with throat pouches used for catching fish. They breed in eastern Europe and Asia.

Dippers are compact, round songbirds that walk underwater along streams to find insect prey. They are named for their bobbing motion and occur in mountain streams.

Drongos are tropical Asian songbirds, often black or white in color. They are aggressive mimics, copying calls of other species.

Top 12 birds that birds beginning with D

Major groups of birds that start with d

Certain bird families feature the letter D prominently due to naming conventions or the alphabetic listing of species: “bird starts with d'”. Some ducks, such as the diminutive blue-billed duck, have descriptive names with D. The drongo family contains chatterboxes like the black drongo. In some parts of the world, the first letter of local dialects may lead to D-birds like the German dikkop. Exploring these D-birds aids identification and highlights diversity.

Dalmatian Pelican

bird starts with d

The Dalmatian pelican is a large waterbird with a wingspan up to 11 feet wide. It forages for fish using the huge throat pouch characteristic of pelicans. Though once widespread in Eurasia and Africa, habitat loss threatens this species.

  • A large waterbird found in eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa
  • Has a wingspan of up to 11 feet
  • Known for its huge throat pouch used for catching fish
  • Population threatened by habitat loss and pollution

Darjeeling Woodpecker

bird starts with d

This black-and-red woodpecker resides in the forests of Darjeeling and Sikkim. It drills cavities in trees searching for insect larvae. Classified as Near Threatened, preservation of its wooded mountain habitat in northern India is vital for its survival.

  • A small black-and-red woodpecker native to the Indian subcontinent
  • Found in forested hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim region
  • Drills holes in trees to feed on insects and larvae
  • Classified as Near Threatened due to habitat loss


bird starts with d

The dipper is so named for its habit of bobbing up and down along swift mountain streams. It can even walk underwater to hunt aquatic larvae. As indicators of water quality, dippers are threatened by factors like climate change across their circumpolar range.

  • Plump bird found near mountain streams across Europe, Asia and North America
  • Known for its habit of dipping motions and ability to walk underwater
  • Feeds on aquatic insects and larvae
  • Sensitive to water quality conditions


bird starts with d

These small, colorful tanagers of Central and South America feed on fruit and nectar. Brilliant blue plumage distinguishes males while females are green. Deforestation across neotropical habitats threatens the longevity of these birds.

  • Small passerine birds found in Central and South America
  • Males are brightly blue colored, females are green
  • Feed on berries, insects, nectar
  • Several species are threatened due to deforestation

Damar Flycatcher

bird starts with d

The Damar flycatcher is restricted to Indonesia’s Damar Island. This inconspicuous insect-eater, named for its black, white and blue-grey colors, is exceptionally prone to extinction due to its limited numbers and range.

  • Small passerine birds found in Central and South America
  • Males are brightly blue colored, females are green
  • Feed on berries, insects, nectar
  • Several species are threatened due to deforestation

Dark Chanting Goshawk

bird starts with d
bird starts with d

This raptor of southern Asian rainforests vocalizes with repetitive duets as breeding pairs defend forest territories. Their survival is jeopardized by extensive deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the region.

  • A medium-sized bird of prey found in southern Asia
  • Makes a repetitive chanting call, often in duets
  • Hunts birds, small mammals and insects in dense forest habitats
  • Suffers population declines due to deforestation


bird starts with d

Breeding along mountain steppes and tundra, this subtly patterned plover migrates great distances to escape harsh weather extremes. Like numerous avian species, its circumpolar habitat is increasingly threatened by global climate disruption.

  • Small plover birds d breeding in mountain steppes and tundra habitats
  • Camouflage plumage; migrate long-distances to escape severe weather
  • Feed on insects, worms, plant material
  • Globally threatened by habitat disruption from climate change

Dambo Cisticola

bird starts with d

The Dambo cisticola’s intricate song echoes from southern Africa’s endangered wet grasslands where this small warbler makes its home. Drainage of marshes for agriculture has put its future at risk.

  • A small warbler residing in wet grasslands of southern Africa
  • Sings intricate and melodious calls
  • Population threatened by drainage of wetland habitats

Damara Tern

bird starts with d

This tern is distinguished by black head feathers and grey plumage. As a coastal species concentrated along Namibia’s beaches, its limited nesting grounds are jeopardized by human recreation and industry in the fragile ecosystem.

  • Endangered tern breeding only along Namibia’s sandy coastalStrips
  • Plumage has black cap, white cheeks and grey back/wings
  • Feeds by plunge-diving for small fish
  • Nesting sites threatened by mining and off-road vehicles

Dark Pewee

bird starts with d

A drab flycatcher of Central American cloud forests, the dark pewee catches insects on the wing. Deforestation threatens this range-restricted bird’s ability to sustain itself in an increasingly constricted mountain habitat.

  • A small tyrant flycatcher found in the mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama
  • Sallies from perch to catch insects on the wing
  • Named for its sooty black plumage
  • Habitat threatened by deforestation


bird starts with d

A global family of small pigeons, doves thrive from deserts to tropical regions. Their cooing is internationally symbolic of peace. Some species live amiably alongside humans.

  • Widely distributed family of small pigeons and doves
  • Most species feed on seeds, fruit; some take insects
  • Distinctive cooing vocalizations
  • Symbol of peace; some species kept as pets


bird starts with d

The Donacobius is an atypical songbird restricted to South American wetlands. Its pairs sing coordinated duets defending nesting territories amid marsh grasses. But habitat drainage has isolated remaining populations of this unique bird.

  • Songbird species found in wetlands of Central and South America
  • The only member of its Donacobiidae family
  • Males and females sing duets defending nesting territories
  • Population threatened by wetland habitat loss

bird species spanning diverse families.

Unique and Exotic Birds Starting With D

In addition to widespread species, some rare and less common D birds include:

The Dunnock is a small, muted European songbird related to wrens. They are shy but will come to bird feeders.

The Dickcissel is a seed-eating songbird found in grasslands across central North America. It has a signature “dick dick” call.

Dark-eyed Juncos are snowbirds with white outer tail feathers frequently seen at feeders across North America, especially in winter.

Downy Woodpeckers are tiny woodpeckers often seen at suet feeders. They are the smallest woodpeckers in North America.

Dunlins are small Arctic shorebirds that migrate in huge swirling flocks along coastlines worldwide.

Double-crested Cormorants are all-black waterbirds with bright orange face patches. They are often seen perched with wings outstretched.

Darters are slender, snake-necked fish-spearing birds related to cormorants.

Dotterels are rare, mountain-dwelling shorebirds that breed in alpine areas and tundra habitat.

Exotic D Birds Around The World

Some exotic and endangered D birds found internationally include:

The Dabchick is a tiny grebe waterbird found across Africa, India, and southern Europe. It builds a floating nest anchored to reeds.

The Dracula Parrot is a striking black and red critically endangered parrot endemic to island forests of Masoala, Madagascar.

The Diamond Firetail is a vibrant red-faced finch native to Australia. Once kept as cage birds, they are now protected in the wild.

Dusky Lories are endangered purplish-blue parrots found only in Indonesia.

Drab Seedeaters are dull female-looking seedeater finches actually found in both male and female plumages in South America.

Desert Finches are heavily streaked sparrow relatives eking out life in the dry deserts of the Middle East and northern Africa.

Ideal destinations to see the birds that start with d

Certain locations around the world offer abundant chances to see varied D bird species in their natural habitats:

Dubai, UAE

This Middle Eastern metropolis features extensive wetlands and sanctuaries attracting many doves and ducks despite the desert climate. Examples include the laughing dove, Eurasian teal duck, and endangered white-cheeked bulbul.

Danum Valley, Borneo

The lowland Bornean rainforests harbor incredible arrays of exotic birds like pheasant and partridge species as well as many types of doves, drongos, and broadbills.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

This central African nation contains huge tracts of rainforest and riparian habitats filled with ducks, doves, kingfishers, and the iconic shoebill stork. Seeing a shoebill makes the difficult travel worthwhile for serious birdwatchers.

Tips for Identifying Challenging birds with d

While some D bird species like ducks can be simple to identify, others pose identification challenges requiring diligence and the following aspects:

Size Difference

While a dikdik antelope may be just two feet tall, the Dalmatian pelican can have a wingspan over ten feet wide. Pay attention to absolute and relative size.

Bill Shape Variation

The many duck and shorebird species exhibit specialized bill sizes and shapes that reveal how they catch and eat prey. Notice details like slight curve differences.

Plumage Patterns

Closely compare complex plumage combinations on birds like doves and Philippine hornbills. Slight variations distinguish species and sexes.

Habitat Use and Behavior

Bird families occupy ecological niches meaning different habitat preferences across species. Also watch behavior like the aerial maneuvering of swifts versus wading shore birds with d probing mudflats.

Developing a keen eye for detail allows proper D bird species identification amidst the diversity.

Conclusion: of bird starts with d

Birds with D names occupy diverse avian niches worldwide, from backyard favorites like doves and ducks to rare species such as the Dracula Parrot. While they lack a unifying profile, D birds with d share the trait of having common or scientific names starting with the letter D. Learning to identify species by name is an important first step in birdwatching. With so many interesting D birds to discover, it’s clear this letter marks the beginning of a great avian adventure.

FAQ: About bird that starts with d

What is the most common bird name starting with D?

The Mourning Dove is likely the most widespread bird starting with D. This graceful dove can be found across most of North America in both rural and suburban areas.

Are any bird names starting with d extinct?

There are no documented examples of an officially extinct bird species starting with D. However, some like the Dracula Parrot are critically endangered with extremely small populations, putting them at risk.

Which D birds are most colorful or exotic looking?

Some of the most uniquely colored D birds include the Dracula Parrot, Dusky Lory, Double-crested Cormorant, and Diamond Firetail finch.

What bird with d is best adapted for diving underwater?

The darter excels at diving underwater due to its streamlined shape, pointed bill, and propulsion from its feet. It primarily catches fish by diving from perches.

Are any birds that start with D migratory?

Yes, many D birds with d with d like the Dunlin, Dark-eyed Junco, and Dickcissel are migratory and travel long distances seasonally between breeding and wintering grounds.

Which birds start with d make the most interesting sounds?

The Drongo is renowned for its ability to mimic other birds with d with d vocalizations. Doves are also popular for their soft, cooing calls.

Can any birds starting with D be found in Hawaii?

No native Hawaiian birds with d has a name starting with D. However, some migratory D birds with d like ducks and Double-crested Cormorants may visit the islands seasonally.

What is the largest bird whose name starts with D?

The Dalmatian Pelican is likely the largest birds with d with d with a D name. Large adults can have wingspans approaching 12 feet across.

Which D bird has the widest global distribution?

Many duck species like the Mallard have extremely widespread distributions that span North America, Europe, Asia, and beyond. Of D birds with d , ducks likely have the most far-reaching global ranges.

Are any bird names that start with D named after people?

Yes, the Dickcissel takes its name from 19th-century American ornithologist Richard Cissal. Cissal was an early naturalist who helped collect and describe many new bird species.

About the Author: Hudaibia

My name is Hudaibia with the profound passion for our feathered friends. Birds have captivated my heart and mind since childhood. Now I share my avian devotion through my website,