Can birds eat watermelon

Watermelon is a tasty summer fruit many people enjoy. Its sweet flavor and juicy texture make it refreshing on a hot day. But do our feathered friends like to eat watermelon too? The answer is yes, many bird species are happy to eat watermelon as an occasional treat. Let’s look at the benefits, risks, and proper feeding techniques for sharing watermelon with birds.

Nutritional Benefits of Watermelon for Birds

Watermelon has several nutritional components that are beneficial for birds:


  • Made up of 91% water.
  • Provides needed hydration, especially in summer heat.


  • High in Vitamin A.
  • Also contains Vitamin C and B-Complex vitamins.
  • Supports immune and metabolic functions.


  • Provides minerals like potassium and magnesium.
  • Electrolytes support proper fluid balance.


  • Simple sugars like glucose and fructose.
  • Quick energy source for active birds.

Watermelon flesh and juice offers birds hydration, key nutrients, and natural sugars that can supplement their regular diet. The high water content helps birds stay cool.

Bird Species that Enjoy Eating Watermelon

Several types of birds will take advantage of watermelon when offered in bird-friendly styles:

Fruit-Eating Birds

  • Robins
  • Waxwings
  • Mockingbirds
  • Thrashers
  • Orioles
  • Tanagers

These species recognize watermelon as a fruit food source.

Seedeaters and Omnivores

  • Sparrows
  • Finches
  • Jays
  • Crows
  • Starlings
  • Magpies

They appreciate the soft flesh and accessible juices.

Ground-Feeding Birds

  • Doves
  • Pigeons
  • Juncos
  • Quail

They will eat pieces left on the ground.

Aerial Feeders

  • Swallows
  • Swifts
  • Nighthawks

They will swoop down to grab pieces in flight.

Offer watermelon to attract a diversity of species who all enjoy this summertime fruit treat.

Feeding Watermelon to Birds Safely

Watermelon should be fed to birds in certain ways to ensure safety:

Cut in Small Pieces

  • Cut or dice watermelon into 1/2″ cubes or smaller.
  • Small bites prevent choking.

Remove All Seeds

  • Thoroughly clean flesh of all seeds.
  • Seeds could cause digestive upset.

Place Near Perches

  • Put on platform feeders.
  • Skewer pieces on branches.
  • Allows easy access for perching birds.

Use Ground Feeding Trays

  • Spread bite-size pieces in large trays on the ground.
  • Allows ground feeding birds to safely eat.

Provide Only Occasionally

  • Offer once weekly or a couple times a month.
  • Too much can lead to nutritional imbalance.

Follow these tips to maximize safety when offering watermelon to your backyard birds.

Nutritional Concerns with Watermelon for Birds

While watermelon can be a beneficial supplement for birds, there are some nutritional factors to be aware of:

High Sugar Content

  • Watermelon has high amounts of natural sugars.
  • Too much could lead to obesity and other issues.

Lack of Protein

  • Watermelon is low in protein content.
  • Shouldn’t replace insect or seed-based foods.

Low in Fat

  • Very little dietary fat in watermelon.
  • May not provide enough energy for some species.

Minimal Fiber

  • Watermelon flesh has minimal fiber.
  • May not support optimal digestive health.

Few Micronutrients

  • Low amounts of key micronutrients needed for growth and function.
  • Can’t be the only food source provided.

While tasty and hydrating for birds, watermelon should only be a small supplement in their overall nutritional intake. Follow proper feeding guidelines to ensure birds get the balanced diet they need.

Frequently Asked Questions about Watermelon for Birds

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about offering watermelon to birds:

Can birds eat the watermelon rind?

No, only the red inner flesh should be fed to birds. The tough outer rind is hard to digest and could cause impaction.

Do hummingbirds like watermelon?

Yes, hummingbirds are attracted to the sweetness and red color. But it should only supplement nectar, not replace it.

Is it okay for baby birds to eat watermelon?

Yes, parents can feed diced watermelon to fledglings and chicks. Just be sure all seeds are removed to prevent choking.

Can birds eat watermelon seeds?

No, all seeds should be removed. They are difficult to digest and could cause intestinal blockage.

How much watermelon should I offer birds at one time?

A couple cubes or slices chopped in halves or quarters is sufficient at each feeding for most yards. Adjust amounts based on the number of birds visiting.

Can birds eat other melons like cantaloupe?

Yes, other melons can be fed the same way. Just remove rinds and seeds first and chop the flesh into small pieces before offering to birds.


During hot summer months, offering watermelon can be a refreshing and nutritious treat for backyard birds. Just be sure to properly prepare the fruit by removing all seeds and rinds and chopping the flesh into small, bite-size pieces. Place in open trays or skewer onto branches for easy access by perching and ground-feeding birds. Limit watermelon to an occasional supplement to ensure a balanced avian diet. With proper precautions, both birds and bird lovers can enjoy observing this classic summer fruit become an unlikely bird feeder food.

About the Author: Hudaibia

My name is Hudaibia with the profound passion for our feathered friends. Birds have captivated my heart and mind since childhood. Now I share my avian devotion through my website,