5 Fascinating Facts About Blue Hummingbird Eggs: Nature’s Hidden Gem

Hummingbirds are known for their energetic flight, tiny sizes, and fiercely territorial behavior. But one of the most fascinating aspects of these birds is their equally tiny eggs. While most hummingbird eggs are plain white, some rare species lay eggs in vibrant shades of blue. Blue Hummingbird Eggs are a rarely seen natural wonder. Discover everything you need to know about the magical blue eggs laid by a few special hummingbird species. This in-depth guide covers identification tips, incubation facts, evolutionary theories, and the best ways to spot these gems in nature.

Unique Traits of Blue Hummingbird Eggs

Blue Hummingbird Eggs

Size and Shape

Hummingbird eggs are very small, averaging just half an inch long and a third inch wide. They have a typical oval “chicken egg” shape with one more pointed and one more rounded end.

The eggs laid by blue egg species follow these same size and proportions. Their color is the only noticeable difference from standard white hummingbird eggs.

Shell Texture and Strength

Hummingbird eggshells are thin but remarkably strong. Their texture is smooth and slightly glossy.

Just like white shells, the blue egg shells feel sturdy yet delicate. Their smooth surface helps them slip easily through the female’s cloaca during laying. The shell’s strength protects the developing chicks inside.

Nest Compatibility

Hummingbirds usually lay two eggs per clutch, allowing both to fit comfortably in their tiny, cup-shaped nests.

Blue hummingbird eggs work just as well in the nest. Their size and shape allow the parent birds to incubate them properly.

Egg Color Origins

What makes some hummingbirds lay vivid blue eggs rather than the standard white? The blue color comes from biliverdin, the same pigment responsible for bruising.

Researchers believe biliverdin may help reinforce the eggshell strength. However, the evolutionary reason for this rare color remains uncertain.

3 Species That Lay Blue Eggs

blue hummingbird eggs

While white eggs are the norm for hummingbirds, several special species exhibit blue egg-laying abilities:

Blue-throated Hummingbird

The blue-throated hummingbird lives across mountain forests in western North America. True to its name, the males sport brilliant blue patches on their throats.

Female blue-throats lay two pea-sized eggs in a tiny lichen-covered nest. Their eggs are a striking robin’s egg blue shade.

Azure-crowned Hummingbird

This hummingbird inhabits Mexico and the southwestern United States. The male’s dazzling azure blue crown gives the species its name.

Females lay their clutches in small nests near water sources. Their eggs are light blue with a glossy finish.

Blue-tailed Emerald Hummingbird

From Panama to Bolivia, this emerald beauty thrives in tropical forests. Males have a distinctive long blue tail.

The female’s clutch contains two vivid blue eggs. She incubates them in a mossy nest under rainforest leaves.

This table summarizes the key traits of the three blue egg-laying hummingbird species:

SpeciesLocationMale IdentifiersEgg Color
Blue-throated HummingbirdWestern North AmericaBlue throatRobin’s egg blue
Azure-crowned HummingbirdSW USA and MexicoAzure blue crownLight glossy blue
Blue-tailed EmeraldCentral AmericaLong blue tailVivid blue

4 Stages of Blue Hummingbird Egg Development

blue hummingbird eggs

Hummingbird eggs undergo a quick but complex development process from laying to hatching. Here’s an overview of the changes blue eggs experience during incubation:

Stage 1: Fertilization

Eggshell formation begins in the female’s oviduct before an egg is fertilized. Sperm from mating meets the egg here. Fertilization sparks rapid cell division and growth.

Stage 2: Cell Division

Over the next 24 hours, the fertilized egg finishes developing in the oviduct. As cell division progresses, the yolk mass provides nutrition. The blue shell hardens and pigmentation increases.

Stage 3: Nesting

The female lays the formed blue eggs in her nest, usually two per clutch. At this point, the eggs cannot develop further outside a parent’s body heat. The female begins incubating them before laying finishes.

Stage 4: Incubation

Incubation lasts 14-19 days. The parents take turns sitting on the nest to provide constant warmth. Their high body temperature aids embryo growth. Heartbeats emerge around day 5. Features develop until hatching nears.

Stage 5: Hatching

On hatch day, the chick cheeps loudly and pecks at the shell with its egg tooth. It rotates to crack the entire circumference then squeezes out. Shell remnants often stick before falling off later.

What Do Blue Hummingbird Eggs Symbolize?

Humans have long been inspired by the beauty and symbolism of blue eggs in bird nests. Blue hummingbird eggs evoke some of the same natural fascination and meaning:


Finding a blue hummingbird egg in the wild feels like discovering buried treasure. Their unusual color stands out against nature’s neutral palette. Spotting one is a lucky omen. Blue Hummingbird Eggs are a special and rare sight in nature.

New Life

The arrival of vivid blue eggs in a nest signals spring’s rebirth and new generations flourishing. They remind us life continues advancing through sweet moments of creation.

Nurturing Family

Parent hummingbirds tenderly incubating their eggs represent the gentle power of family bonds. Blue eggs in a nest depict nature’s loving maternal spirit.

Appreciating Beauty

Hummingbirds weave intricate nests and lay marvelously hued eggs, reminding us to pause and appreciate beauty. Delicate blue eggs invite us to find joy in nature’s small wonders.

Next time you encounter dazzling blue hummingbird eggs, let their special energy inspire childlike awe. These tiny eggs hold immense natural beauty and symbolism.

Spotting Blue Hummingbird Eggs in the Wild

While scarce, blue hummingbird eggs can occasionally be spotted in their natural settings with some careful observation:

  • Target habitats like mountain pine forests, tropical rainforests, and streamside’s where blue-egg-layers live.
  • Watch for female hummingbirds gathering nest materials like lichen, moss, and spider webs. This signals nest building.
  • Don’t disturb active nests but watch from afar. Females may lay blue eggs 7-10 days after completing a nest.
  • Check nests daily two weeks after nest building. Blue eggs should arrive shortly after, followed by incubation.
  • Use binoculars and zoom lenses from a distance to spot eggs without disturbing the parents.
  • Seek out expert birding groups familiar with blue-egg-laying hummingbird behaviors and prime nest locations.

With sharp eyes and patience, you may capture a precious glimpse of hummingbird parents incubating their incredible blue eggs. Limit disturbances and simply appreciate witnessing these moments.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blue Hummingbird Eggs

Here are answers to some common questions about these rare dazzling blue eggs:

Are blue hummingbird eggs really blue?

Yes, the eggs laid by a few special species have a distinctly blue color instead of the usual white. It comes from the pigment biliverdin.

How many blue egg clutches do hummingbirds lay per season?

Hummingbirds typically raise 2-3 clutches per breeding season. The female lays two blue eggs per clutch. So they may produce 4-6 vivid blue eggs or more annually.

Do both male and female hummingbirds incubate blue eggs?

Yes, parents share incubation duties. Females incubate more at night, but males assist in the day. Both sexes develop brood patches for egg contact.

Can you tell male and female blue hummingbird chicks apart?

No, nestling chicks look identical regardless of sex. Differences like the male’s colorful throat don’t emerge until after fledging. You cannot easily determine sex at the egg or chick stage.

Do blue hummingbird eggs hatch faster than white eggs?

No, incubation times are the same at 14-19 days typically. Egg color does not impact the embryo development rate. The blue pigment does not affect hatch rate.


For most hummingbirds, plain white eggs are the default. But a few remarkable species lay eggs in a vivid shade of blue. These beautiful eggs represent rarity in nature, continuation of life, loving families, and appreciation for beauty. With care not to disturb nests, you may be lucky enough to witness blue hummingbird eggs Incubation and rearing responsibilities fall equally on both parents. If you find these sky-tinted gems in the wilderness, take a moment to admire nature’s wonder and fragility. The sight of blue hummingbird eggs is a treasure to quietly behold.

About the Author: Hudaibia

My name is Hudaibia with the profound passion for our feathered friends. Birds have captivated my heart and mind since childhood. Now I share my avian devotion through my website, mybirdfeed.com.